Jeri Lundy, GHS 1977 to 2007
We received this sad news from retired GHS Principal Bill Ashman: "Jeri Lundy passed away on Nov 29. Her husband called me. No Services. She had a nice Thanksgiving with family at her house. Her heart just stopped the following Tuesday."
Jeri came to GHS from El Capitan in 1977, where she started teaching in 1972, and taught Home Economics at both schools that first year; 30 years later, she retired in 2007. Over the years, she taught many different classes in Home Economics, then Life/Survival Skills, then helped to develop the Child Development Program in the district and at GHS.
After her retirement, Jeri donated two quilts to the museum that she assembled for student projects: one hangs in the counseling hallway and was created in 1993 as a testament to the first Human Relations/Peer Mediators Club. The squares were created by the Human Relations Council, guided by Dawn Miller and Leanne Quirk.
The second quilt was on display on a quilt rack in the museum and is a collection of blocks created in 2004 by photography students, guided by Photography teacher Eileen Mandell. The two quilts, which will continue to remind GHS of Jeri.