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Our Generous 2023 Donors

General Fund: Bill Woolman, Class of 1962

Class of 1961 Stadium Bench: GHS Museum

Class of 1965 Stadium Bench: Tange Tipton Gavin and Deanna Brady Sampson

2023 GHS Museum: Bill Young, Class of 1962

16 MM Film Digital and DVD Transfer: Mike Hateley, Class of 1964; Randy Gold, Class of 1966; Bill Young, Class of 1962; Ken Meil, Class of 1962; Ken Wilson, Class of 1972; Ged Bulat, Class of 1964; Roger Myers, Class of 1962; Bill Ashman, Retired GHS Principal; Deanna Brady Sampson, Class of 1965; Roger Myers, Class of 1962; Bill Ashman, Retired GHS Principal; Deanna Sampson Brady, Class of 1965

GHS Football Equipment:  Evelyn Lasswell, Retired English Teacher, Lynn, Class of 1969, and Connie Baer, Class of 1965; Ken Wilson, Class of 1972: Tom Karnowski, Class of 1970; Shelby Miller, Retired Principal Secretary; Tom Bloomer, Class of 1967; Shelby Miller, Retired Principal Secretary; Tom Bloomer, Class of 1967

Memorabilia Donations

Kent Abbot, Class of 2016: Tennis Letterman’s Jacket

David C. Arnold, Colonel, USAF (Ret), Professor of National Security Strategy: National War College Medallion, “Strategic Thinking in Peace and War” Donated while Researching the Early Life of Major General Osmond J. Ritland, GHS Honor Graduate, Class of 1927, for a Biography

Jeannie Gregory, Daughter of Olive Ball Marsh, Class of 1946: 1945 Student Body Photo with a List of Alpine Residents, an Identified Copy, and Scanned on a  Memory Stick; 2 1945 Penhandlers; Class of 1951 58th Reunion Booklet and Contact List

Tom Bloomer, Class of 1967:  Stopwatch used by Coach Marlin Baer and Coach Laurie Head at 1966-1967 Track Practice and Meets

David Dolloff, Class of 1967: Original 16 mm Film of Grossmont High Football Offense 10/10/1976 and DVD of the Film.

Rick Hall, VP of the El Cajon Historical Society: 1970 The Golden Helmet Award The Big Hit Vernon Lintvedt Trophy

Bill Hoffman, Class of 1964: Two Historical Books: The American Dream-The 1950s and History in the Headlines, 1950-2000, in El Cajon Valley and Surrounding Areas by Del Hood

Tony Lawrence: 1937 Diploma of Laura Mae Douglass, 1937 El Recuerdo Copy; 1934 and 1936 El Recuerdos belonging to Laura Mae Douglass; Class of 1937 Grossmont Memories, 1987 50th Reunion and Article.

Family of Marilyn May Morris, Class of 1955:  Purple and Gold Pom Pom Uniform with Pleated Skirt and 2 Navy Blue Sock Cuffs

Family of William Myer: 1945 and 1946 El Recuerdos

Joan Rosten Thompson, Class of 1962: 1960-61 Gold Corduroy Pom Pom Corp Uniform with Blue Tule Ruffles,  Gold Corduroy Jacket, Black and White Saddle Oxfords, Gold Head Band, Gold Ankle Cuffs

Family of Diane Marie Thorburn, Class of 1962 and David Davault, Class of 1960: 1958,1959, 1962 El Recuerdos and 1962 Commencement Program

Family of Jim and Joan Folts Robinson, Class of 1960: 8 El Recuerdos: 2 1957, 2 1958, 3 1959, and 1 1960; 1958-59 Hall Pass; Senior Memory Book for Senior Cards; 1 1959, 6 1960 Graduation Programs; 2 1960 Graduation Invitations; April 21, 1959 Foothill Echoes; 3 Class of 1958 Echoes December 1994-January 1996; 1977 First Annual Reunion Mini-Yearbook Grossmont Alumni Association; 1985 Ninth Annual Reunion Mini-Yearbook Grossmont Alumni Association; R. (Ruth Ann) Doen Tobey, Class of 1960 Biography and Art Work Information; Pete (Harry Federick) Menefee, Clothing Designer, SD Union Newspaper article October 1980; 3 Grossmont 1960 Name Badges; 1980 Reunion Wallet Size Photo of 1960 Band Members and Grossmont Band Emblem; 1980 20th Reunion Booklet; September 1989 30th Reunion Class of 1959 VHS tape; Class of 1960 2006 Reunion (Tom Ham’s Lighthouse) 2 DVDs of Photographs; Misc. Reunion Planning Materials and Alumni Responses

Yvonne Baer Vellone, Class of 1975: 1934-1941 Baby Brownie Camera; 1947-1953 Ansco Pioneer Camera and Ansco Camera Flash Attachments

Kim Williams, Class of 1973: 1950s Torsion Balance Scale from the San Diego Zoo Clinical Laboratory and Precision Balance Scale Federal Pacific Electric Company c. 1965 Both from the San Diego Zoo Clinical Laboratory Used to Measure out Chemicals in Laboratory Testing; 1956 K-95 Keystone 8 mm Magna-Scope Projector; 1956 K-95 Keystone 8 mm Magna-Scope Projector and 6 Commercial 8 mm films including Laurel and Hardy 1933 “Busy Bodies”, Popeye “Spooky Business”, Woody Woodpecker “Secret Agent” and 1953 “Buccaneer Woody”, Our Gang “One Summer Night”, and Oswald the Rabbit 1938 “Brat Cat”

Dave Zaino, Retired GHS Special Education Teacher:  1983-1994 Staff Jacket

2024 New Museum

Bill Young, Class of 1962; Claudia Irwin, Sister of Richard Irwin, 1952-53; Robert Serr, Class of 1967; Marilyn Bucholz, Class of 1961, Randy James, Class of 1973; Vanessa Pizzuto, Class of 1961; Tom Karnowski, Class of 1970; Janet Williams Rippinger, Class of 1965; Tim Young, Class of 1963; Sharon Davis Galvin, Retired English Teacher; Barbara McCluskey, Class of 1953; Tom Bloomer, Class of 1967.

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